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About Jim

Screenplay: Patton’s Secret Mission (2006)

Article: Lt. Gen. Manton S. Eddy ’13; Patton’s Right-Hand Man (2010)

Paperback: Patton: The Madness Behind the Genius (2017)

Article: The Shelling of Patton’s Nancy HQ (2017)

Book: Patton’s Madness: The Dark Side of a Battlefield Genius (2020)

James L. Sudmeier is a scientist and writer originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota. He graduated from the military academy Shattuck School, received the BA degree cum laude from Carleton College, and earned the PhD in chemistry from Princeton University. He was an assistant professor at UCLA for five years, associate professor at UC Riverside for thirteen years, during which he was NIH Special Research Fellow at Oxford University, England, and Chalmers Institute, Sweden. He was senior lecturer at Tufts Medical School in Boston for twenty-eight years until retirement in 2013. Dr. Sudmeier is author of some seventy papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

In 2006, he co-wrote the docudrama Patton’s Secret Mission together with Germans Lt. Col. Peter Domes and M.Sgt Martin Heinlein, which won the first-place Platinum REMI Award at the Houston Film Festival. In 2010 he wrote an article about Gen. Manton Eddy for Shattuck’s Alumni magazine, “Through the Arch.” In 2017 he co-wrote an article with French archivist Jerome Leclerc for “After the Battle”, Volume 176. Also in 2017 he wrote a psychobiography called Patton: The Madness behind the Genius in paperback about the great General George S. Patton III. In 2020 it was issued in hardcover as Patton’s Madness: The Dark Side of a Battlefield Genius by Stackpole Books. He is married with two children, one living and France, the other in Sweden, and six grandchildren. He enjoys skiing, golf, bicycling, canoeing, and travel. See his military website at